Role Based Learning Level Up

We created 7 different types of characters and each of these characters covered multiple job roles. We had to build out this HTML one page in Cornerstone, which is the LMS that T-Mobile uses. One of the big challenges was to make a contained HTML, meaning all of the CSS is within the HTML. This had some design restrictions and we had to make a lot of work arounds.

Client: T-Mobile

We had an initiative from our SVP of Technology Services & OpsTechnology to create role based learning for every role in technology. Our team came up with "Level Up" learning.


Photoshop, Illustrator,
Adobe XD


Andrew Adams
Chris Starr
Ellen Farber
Chris Hardeman

My Role

User Interface
User Experience
Visual Designer

Brainstorm and Define the Problem

During this stage, we are white boarding ideas and defining what the problem is that T-Mobile asked us to solve. We are also looking at who the users are going to be to help us better understand what their needs are so we can start building out personas.

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Low fidelity wireframes are used for getting a basic idea of the layout to discuss user experience and content. What the client wanted was a one pager because creating a custom HTML page in Cornerstone was not easy. This page mostly has information and the links that send the user to the learning content they need.

8-Bit Art Style

This was a blast to make and I made this using Illustrator. My inspiration for this was from the T-Mobile website; they had made an 8-bit jumping game.

User Testing

Personas are for figuring out who your target audience is and then creating empathy for them so that you can make a better user experience. Meet John; he is a NOC tech engineer who is overworked, with little to no time for training, but there is a new software tool that he has to learn.


Moving the mockups to production can be tricky. It can take time. Our team makes sure to work with the developers to build all of the assets that they need at the right sizes. As well as laying out all of the UI interactions properly.

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