Pulse Mobile Learning App

This is a mobile learning app that uses AR technology to help the technician find the training they need when they are on site. It is used to better connect them with other technicians while out in the field by sharing knowledge through video and social groups.

Client: T-Mobile

The client asked our team to come up with a mobile solution that could help Field Technicians with the training they would need to handle problems out on cell sites. They also wanted a way for these technicians to share knowledge with each other.


Photoshop, Illustrator,
Adobe XD


Andrew Adams
Chris Starr
Ellen Farber

My Role

User Interface
User Experience
Visual Designer

Brainstorm and Define the Problem

During this stage, we are white boarding ideas and defining what the problem is that T-Mobile asked us to solve. We are also looking at who the users are to better understand what their needs are so that we can start building out personas.

Design & Prototyping

Normally in this stage there would be low to high fidelity wireframes. However, there was a big time crunch so I only had one day to make a mockup of this idea before we had to show it to the manager. I created this prototype using Adobe XD.

User Testing

Try this out for yourself! I mocked up two paths. “Go Learn” and “Record Video.”

Go Learn: This path uses AR that scans the cell tower and pulls up a list of clickable icons that link to training content pages.

Record Video: This was a request from the field technicians to have a way of sharing videos with each other. They can share video to their community page in app.


Moving the mockups to production can be tricky. It can take time. Our design team makes sure to work with the developers to build all of the assets that they need to be the right sizes. As well as laying out all of the UI interactions properly.

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